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Rx Yoga – my kind of prescription

Over the past two months I’ve visited several Western and Eastern healers and amassed prescriptions that ranged from steroids, pain killers, lotions and potions. Most of them are sitting in a pile on my desk untouched. I may need them down the road, but for now I decided to seek the kind of medicine that… Read More »

L’eggo Your Ego, Dude!

Sometimes in June I completed one of my best Ashtanga-yoga sessions ever. I was in my peak, swishing, sweating, floating, flexing and grinning. There were scores of yogis in the room and I was the oldest and the most accomplished at pushing back age; a man doing his thing if there ever was one. The… Read More »

The Quest for Power and Grace

I have been practicing yoga for years. Not sure why, but I think that anyone whoever drove a station wagon, x-country skied or ran long distances must have explored yoga at some point. So wherever I traveled, I would inevitably stumble into a yoga class. I was not supple and yoga did not come naturally, but somehow it made me feel right and I left it at that.

Ten years ago, I found a wonderful teacher, Jeff Logan, who introduced me to Iyangar Yoga. I practiced diligently under Jeff’s guidance for years. Jeff taught me the fine art of body alignment and staying light. But it wasn’t until I watched my friend Edina practice Ashtanga yoga that I realized my practice needed a new