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It’s that Robinson Crusoe Feeling Again…

It’s a stretch of sand just 3 miles from the house. It’s a town beach where moms come with their vans and strollers and Teens party after hours, but it’s a whole different place when you kayak to it with your son and spend the night swimming, cooking and setting up camp.

Ofer and I took our sons one summer afternoon on a kayak adventure to Sands City. We packed everything needed to survive the night in comfort. However, we did forget a big pot for cooking the pasta and had to call Mom for help, but heck every explorer needs support from mission control once in a while.

Adventure is about boiling it down to essentials; warmth, shelter and food. The rest of the world seems to fade away when you’re busy being Robinson Cursoe and relying on each other’s ingenuity to evolve a new lifestyle just 3 miles from home.  And there’s nothing like doing it with your son.  You can see them soaking it up in real time….

This is where the trade secrets are passed down. In Ofer’s case it involves a tip revolving around cooking or poker and in my case it’s about where to swim and how to build a fire to dry off by.  It’s about being out there connecting to nature and your son and nothing else.  Nothing else is huge.

We’ll keep depositing these priceless experiences with our sons in the prana bank. As one day we might be old, far from home, tired and off our trail and need of some prana to keep going.

I know for sure on one of those rainy days, I’ll reach to the bank and cash in the sunrise we all shared. Maybe Oren and Ori will too.

About Ronen Yaari

I’m no guru and I don’t have hundreds of hours of certifications. All I can claim is that I did not squander the time that I was given so far. I took care of my body from an early age and realized that a fit body was going to be the vehicle of choice to propel me around the planet to find what I was supposed to find. I ran marathons, biked continents, climbed glaciers, walked across states, sailed oceans, explored reefs and floated myself over yoga mats. If the sun is down I’m a sleep and if it’s up I’m outside. My biggest accomplishment by far is creating a family that enjoys each other and puts up with me.